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Dr. Dawei Shi
Professor & Director, Institute of Intelligent Sensing & Motion Control, School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
Principle Investigator, Intelligent Control & Decision of Precision Medicine Systems, BIT Institute of Engineering Medicine

Office: Room 212, Building #6
Email: daweishi at bit.edu.cn
Phone: +86 10 6891 8802   
Address: School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, P.R. China

Books & Book Chapters

  1. D. Shi, W. Huo, K. H. Johansson, L. Shi. "Event-triggered state estimation, control and learning,'' in Encyclopedia of Systems and Control Engineering, Elsevier, 2024. (To appear)

  2. D. Shi, Y. Huang, J. Wang and L. Shi. "Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control: Theory and applications,'' Springer & 科学出版社, 2021. (ISBN: 978-981-16-0293-1)

  3. D. Shi, S. Deshpande, E. Dassau, F. J. Doyle III. "Feedback control algorithms for automated glucose management in type 1 diabetes mellitus: The state of the art,'' Chapter 1 in The Artificial Pancreas:Current Situation and Future Directions (Editors: Ricardo S. Sanchez-Pena and Daniel R. Chernavvsky), pages 1-28, Academic Press, 2018. (Invited Book Chapter)

  4. D. Shi, L. Shi and T. Chen. "Event-based state estimation: A stochastic perspective,'' Springer, 2016. (ISBN: 978-3-319-26604-6)

Journal Papers

  1. S. Feng, D. Cai, J. Chen, D. Shi*, L. Shi, W. Liu, L. Ji. "Kernel-based Learning with Adaptive Physiological Constraints for Personalized Postprandial Glucose Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepted as a Full Paper, 2025.

  2. X. Lu, D. Cai, W. Liu, L. Ji, D. Shi*. "An Insulin-sensitivity-aware Meal-Bolus Decision Method based on Event-triggered Adaptive Dynamic Programming," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, 2025.

  3. D. Shi, J. Chen, M. Li, L. Zhu*, X. Ji*. "Closing the loop: Autonomous intelligent control for hypoxia pre-acclimatization and high-altitude health management," National Science Review, accepted, 2025.

  4. K. Cui, W. Wu, J. Shang, D. Shi*. "Dynamic Alarm Monitoring with Data-driven Ellipsoidal Threshold Learning," Control Engineering Practice, accepted, 2025.

  5. J. Chen, D. Shi*, D. Cai, W. Liu, L. Ji, L. Shi. "A Switched Neural Process for Long-term Postprandial Glucose Trajectory Prediction based on Insulin Sensitivity Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted, 2025.

  6. S. Feng, D. Shi*, T. Chen, L. Shi. "Data-Driven Learning and Control with Event-Triggered Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted as a Full Paper, 2025.

  7. W. Wu, H. Fu, K. Cui, Z. Liu, D. Yang, D. Shi*. "Domain Similarity Meta-Learning for Lithium-ion Battery State-of-health Estimation of Spacecraft Systems," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, accepted, 2025.

  8. J. Song, D. Shi*, S. Tang, H. Yu, Y. Shi. "Event-triggered Learning-based Control for Output Tracking with Unknown Cost Functions," Automatica, accepted, 2025.

  9. K. Zheng, D. Shi*, Y. Shi. "Safety-Critical Randomized Event-Triggered Learning of Gaussian Process with Applications to Data-Driven Predictive Control," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted as Full Paper, 2024.

  10. K. Cui, T. Gao, D. Shi*, H. Fu, Z. Liu*, H. Li. "A Physics-Informed Event-Triggered Learning Approach to Long-Term Spacecraft Li-Ion Battery State-of-Charge Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, accepted, 2024.

  11. Y. Yang, D. Shi*, H. Yu, L. Shi. "Event-triggered data-driven predictive control for multirate systems: Theoretic analysis and experimental results," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted, 2024.

  12. W. Liu#, D. Cai#, R. Zhang#, X. Zhang, X. Cai, L. Tao, X. Han, Y. Luo, M. Li, W. Wu, Y. Ma, D. Shi*, L. Ji*. "A randomized clinical trial for meal bolus decision using learning-based control in adults with type 2 diabetes," Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, accepted, 2024.

  13. Y. Liu, W. Zhang, W. Liu, Y. Lu, X. Tao, S. Jia, D. Shi*. "Towards non-invasive glucose monitoring based on bio-impedance grid sampling topology," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, accepted, 2024.

  14. H. Fu, Z. Liu, K. Cui, Q. Du, J. Wang, D. Shi*. "Physics-informed neural network for spacecraft lithium-ion battery modeling and health diagnosis," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, accepted, 2023.

  15. S. Li, L. Li, D. Shi*, Y. Lou, L. Shi. "Multi-kernel correntropy-based orientation estimation of IMUs: Gradient descent methods," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, accepted, 2023.

  16. X. Liu, K. Zheng, D. Shi*, T. Chen. "State estimation with event sensors: Observability analysis and multi-sensor fusion," SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, accepted, 2023.

  17. S. Li, D. Shi*, Y. Lou, W. Zou, L. Shi. "Generalized multi-kernel maximum correntropy Kalman filter for disturbance estimation," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted as Full Paper, 2023.

  18. M. Cheng, D. Shi*, T. Chen. "Event-triggered risk-sensitive smoothing for linear Gaussian systems," Automatica, 158: 111301, 2023.

  19. K. Cui, D. Shi*, Z. Liu, D. Yang, H. Li, Q. Du. "Behavioral-based monitoring of networked systems with application to spacecraft Li-ion battery health management," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, accepted, 2023.

  20. D. Cai, W. Wu, M. Cescon, W. Liu, L. Ji, D. Shi*. "Data-enabled learning and control algorithms for intelligent glucose management: the state of the art," Annual Reviews in Control, 56: 100897, 2023.

  21. 陈婧,史大威*,蔡德恒,王军政,朱玲玲. 数据驱动的间歇低氧训练贝叶斯优化决策方法,自动化学报,49(8): 1667-1678,2023.

  22. M. A. Hamza, G. Mustafa, D. Shi, A. Q. Khan, M. Abid. "Characterization of a family of controllers for networked systems under nonuniform communication and network-induced delay," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(11), 6891-6898, 2023.

  23. L. Wang, Z. Pan, W. Liu, J. Wang, L. Ji, D. Shi*. "A dual-attention based coupling network for diabetes classification with heterogeneous data," Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 139: 104300, 2023.

  24. C. Li, H. Zou, D. Shi*, J. Song, J. Wang. "Dual-quaternion-based satellite pose estimation and control with event-triggered data transmission," Science China Technological Sciences, 66, 1214–1224, 2023.

  25. K. Cui, J. Song, L. Zhang, Y. Tao, W. Liu, D. Shi*. "Event-triggered deep reinforcement learning for dynamic task scheduling in multi-satellite resource allocation," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(4), 3766-3777, 2023.

  26. L. Wang, R. Xiao, J. Chen, L. Zhu, D. Shi*, J. Wang. "A slow feature based LSTM network for susceptibility assessment of acute mountain sickness with heterogeneous data," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 80(2), 104355, 2023, 2023.

  27. J. Song, D. Shi*, H. Yu, Y. Shi, J. Wang. "A dynamic proportional-integral based event-triggered output feedback control framework for networked mechatronic systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(8), 8344-8354, 2023.

  28. D. Cai, W. Liu, W. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Peng, L. Ji, D. Shi*. "An event-triggered active disturbance rejection approach to dual-hormonal artificial pancreas control," Control Engineering Practice, 129, 105338, 2022. (Feature Paper of Emerging Leaders in Control Engineering Practice)

  29. X. Liu, M. Cheng, D. Shi*, L. Shi. "Towards event-based state estimation for neuromorphic event cameras," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(7), 4281-4288, 2023.

  30. Y. Yang, K. Cui, D. Shi*, G. Mustafa, J. Wang. "PID control with PID event triggers: Theoretic analysis and experimental results," Control Engineering Practice, 128, 105322, 2022.

  31. K. Zheng, D. Shi*, Y. Shi, J. Wang. "Non-parametric event-triggered learning with applications to adaptive model predictive control," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(6), 3469-3484, 2023. (Full Paper)

  32. J. E. Pinsker, E. Dassau, S. Deshpande, D. Raghinaru, B. Buckingham, Y. C. Kudva, L. Laffel, C. J. Levy, M. M. Church, H. Desrochers, L. Ekhlaspour, R. J. Kaur, C. Levister, D. Shi, J. W. Lum, C. Kollman C, F. J. Doyle III. "Outpatient randomized crossover comparison of zone model predictive control automated insulin delivery with weekly data driven adaptation versus sensor-augmented pump: Results from the International Diabetes Closed Loop Trial 4 (DCLP4)," Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 24(9), 635-642, 2022.

  33. S. Li, L. Li, D. Shi, W. Zou, P. Duan and L. Shi. "Multi-kernel maximum correntropy Kalman Filter for orientation estimation," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3), 6693-6700, 2022.

  34. Y. Jiang, D. Shi, J. Fan, T. Chai and T. Chen. "Event-triggered model reference adaptive control for linear partially time-variant continuous-time systems with nonlinear parametric uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(3), 1878-1885, 2023.

  35. C. Li, H. Zou, D. Shi*, J. Song, J. Wang. "Proportional-integral event-triggered coupled attitude and orbit tracking control using dual quaternions," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58(4), 3021-3036, 2022.

  36. J. Chen, R. Xiao, L. Wang, L. Zhu, D. Shi*. "Unveiling interpretable key performance indicators in hypoxic response: A system identification approach," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(12), 13676-13685, 2021.

  37. J. Chen, Y. Tian, G. Zhang, Z. Cao, L. Zhu, D. Shi*. "IoT-enabled intelligent dynamic risk assessment of acute mountain sickness: The role of event-triggered signal processing," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(1), 730-738, 2021.

  38. M. Cheng, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "Event-triggered smoothing for hidden Markov models: Risk-sensitive and MMSE results," Automatica, 134, 109933, 2021. (Regular Paper)

  39. 史大威,蔡德恒,刘蔚,纪立农,王军政. 面向智能血糖管理的餐前胰岛素剂量贝叶斯学习优化方法,自动化学报,49(9):1915-1927,2023.

  40. J. Song, D. Shi*, Y. Shi and J. Wang. "Proportional-integral event-triggered control of networked systems with unmatched uncertainties," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(9), 9320-9330, 2021.

  41. K. Zheng, D. Shi* and L. Shi. "Learning hidden Markov models for linear Gaussian systems with applications to event-based state estimation," Automatica, 128, 109560, 2021. (Regular Paper)

  42. 史大威,杨肖,蔡德恒,牟志宇,刘蔚,纪立农. 基于胰岛素基础率估计的人工胰腺系统自抗扰控制,自动化学报,47(5), 1043-1057, 2021.

  43. K. Cui, S.-X. Tang, Y. Huang, H. Yu, D. Shi*. "Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control for a class of networked systems with unmatched uncertainties: Theoretic and experimental results," Control Engineering Practice, 115, 104907, 2021.

  44. D. Cai, W. Liu, L. Ji, D. Shi*. "Bayesian optimization assisted meal bolus decision based on Gaussian processes learning and risk-sensitive control," Control Engineering Practice, 114, 104881, 2021.

  45. Y. Liu, W. Liu, H. Chen, X. Cai, R. Zhang, Z. An, L. Ji*, D. Shi*. "Graph convolutional network enabled two-stream learning architecture for diabetes classification based on flash glucose monitoring data," Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 69, 102896, 2021.

  46. X. Zhang#, Y. Li#, Y. Liu#, S.-X. Tang, X. Liu*, K. Punithakumar, D. Shi*. "Automatic spinal cord segmentation from axial-view MRI slices using CNN with grayscale regularized active contour propagation," Computers in Biology and Medicine, 132, 104345, 2021.

  47. W. Liu#, J. Chen#, L. He#, X. Cai, R. Zhang, S. Gong, X. Yang, J. Wang, X. Han, D. Shi*, L. Ji*. "Flash glucose monitoring data analyzed by detrended fluctuation function on beta cell function and diabetes classification," Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism, 23, 774-781, 2021.

  48. Y. Jiang, D. Shi, J. Fan, T. Chai and T. Chen. "Set-valued feedback control and its application to event-triggered sampled-data systems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(11), 4965-4972, 2020.

  49. J. Huang, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "Event-triggered robust state estimation for systems with unknown exogenous inputs," Automatica, 122, 109248, 2020. (Regular Paper)

  50. Y. Li, D. Shi, and T. Chen. "Secure analysis of dynamic networks under pinning attacks against synchronization,'' Automatica, 111, pp. 108576, 2020.

  51. 史大威,肖融,陈婧,朱玲玲. 新兴可穿戴生理感知技术助力急性高原病的监测和辅助诊疗,生命科学仪器,18(6), 3-22, 2020. (封面文章)

  52. 刘蔚,蔡晓凌,张瑞,张明霞,王相清,李娟,韩学尧,周翔海,陈婧,何璐西,杨肖,史大威,纪立农,应用瞬感扫描式血糖监测系统分析1型糖尿病患者血糖波动相关因素的研究,中国糖尿病杂志,28(4),265-271,2020.

  53. D. Liu, J. Wang, S. Wang, D. Shi*. "Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control for electric cylinders with PD-type triggering condition," Control Engineering Practice, 100, 104448, 2020.

  54. H. Peng, J. Wang, S. Wang, W. Shen, D. Shi, D. Liu. "Coordinated motion control for a wheel-leg robot with speed consensus strategy," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 25(3), 1366-1376, 2020.

  55. E. Kung, J. Wang, J. Wu, D. Shi, L. Shi. "On the nonexistence of event triggers that preserve Gaussian state in presence of packet-drop,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(10), 4302-4307, 2019.

  56. J. Huang, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "Robust event-triggered state estimation: A risk-sensitive approach,'' Automatica, 99, 253-265, Jan. 2019. (Regular Paper)

  57. Z. Guo, D. Shi*, Daniel E. Quevedo and L. Shi. "Secure state estimation against integrity attacks: A Gaussian mixture model approach,'' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(1), pp. 194-207, 2019. (Regular Paper)

  58. Z. Guo, D. Shi*, K. H. Johansson and L. Shi, "Worst-case innovation-based integrity attacks with side information on remote state estimation,'' IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 6(1), pp. 48-59, 2019.

  59. A. Chakrabarty, E. Healey, D. Shi, S. Zavitsanou, F. J. Doyle III and E. Dassau. "Embedded model predictive control for a wearable artificial pancreas,'' IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(6), pp. 2600-2607, 2020.

  60. Y. Huang, J. Wang, D. Shi*, J. Wu, and Ling Shi. "Event-triggered sampled-data control of nonlinear systems: an active disturbance rejection approach,'' IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(5), 2052-2063, 2019.

  61. D. Shi, J. Xue, J. Wang, Y. Huang. "A high-gain approach to event-triggered control with application to motor systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(8), pp. 6281-6291, 2019.

  62. S. Deshpande, J. E. Pinsker, S. Zavitsanou, D. Shi, R. Tompot, M. M. Church, C. Andre, F. J. Doyle III and E. Dassau. "Design and clinical evaluation of the interoperable Artificial Pancreas System Smartphone App (iAPS): Interoperable components with modular design for progressive artificial pancreas research and development," Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 21(1), pp. 35-43, 2019.

  63. D. Shi, E. Dassau, F. J. Doyle III. "Multivariate learning framework for long-term adaptation in the artificial pancreas," Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, 4(1), pp.61-74, 2019.

  64. D. Shi, E. Dassau, F. J. Doyle III*. "Adaptive zone model predictive control of artificial pancreas based on glucose- and velocity-dependent control penalties,'' IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(4), pp. 1045-1054, 2019.

  65. Y. Li, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "False data injection attacks on networked control systems: A Stackelberg-game analysis,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(10), pp. 3503-3509, 2018.

  66. Y. Huang, J. Wang, D. Shi* and L. Shi. "Towards event-triggered extended state observer,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(6), 1842-1849, 2018.

  67. D. Shi*, Z. Guo, K. H. Johansson and L. Shi. "Causality countermeasures for anomaly detection in cyber-physical systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(2), 386-401, 2018. (Regular Paper)

  68. Z. Guo, D. Shi*, K. H. Johansson and L. Shi. "Worst-case stealthy innovation-based linear attack on remote state estimation,'' Automatica, 89, 117-124, 2018.

  69. X. Ren, K. H. Johansson, D. Shi and L. Shi*. "Quickest change detection in adaptive censoring sensor networks,'' IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 5(1), 239-250, 2018.

  70. N. He, D. Shi*, and T. Chen. "Self-triggered model predictive control for networked control systems based on first-order hold,'' International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(4), 1303-1318, 2018.

  71. J. Huang, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "Event-triggered state estimation with an energy harvesting sensor,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(9), pp. 4768-4775, 2017.

  72. W. Chen, J. Wang, D. Shi* and L. Shi. "Event-based state estimation of hidden Markov models through a Gilbert-Elliott channel,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(7), pp. 3626-3633, 2017.

  73. D. Shi*, R. J. Elliott and T. Chen. "On finite-state stochastic modeling and secure estimation of cyber-physical systems,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(1), pp. 65-80, 2017. (Regular Paper)

  74. J. Huang, D. Shi* and T. Chen. "Energy-based event-triggered state estimation for hidden Markov models,'' Automatica, 79, pp. 256-264, 2017.

  75. Z. Guo, D. Shi, K. H. Johansson and L. Shi. "Optimal linear cyber-attack on remote state estimation,'' IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 4(1), 4-13, 2017. (Special Issue Paper)

  76. D. Shi*, J. Xue, L. Zhao, J. Wang and Y. Huang. "Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control of DC torque motors,'' IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(5), 2277-2287, 2017.

  77. W. Chen, D. Shi*, J. Wang and Ling Shi. "Event-triggered state estimation: Experimental performance assessment and comparative study,'' IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology, 25(5), pp. 1865-1872, 2017.

  78. J. Wu, X. Ren, D. Han*, D. Shi and L. Shi. "Finite-horizon Gaussianity-preserving event-based sensor scheduling in Kalman filter applications,'' Automatica, 72, 100-107, 2016.

  79. D. Shi*, T. Chen and M. Darouach. "Event-based state estimation of linear dynamic systems with unknown exogenous inputs,'' Automatica, 69, pp. 275-288, 2016. (Regular Paper)

  80. D. Shi*, R. J. Elliott and T. Chen. "Event-based state estimation of discrete-state hidden Markov models,'' Automatica, 65, pp. 12-26, 2016. (Regular Paper)

  81. N. He, D. Shi*, M. Forbes, J. Backstrom and T. Chen. "Robust tuning for machine-directional predictive control of MIMO paper-making processes,'' Control Engineering Practice, 55, pp. 1-12, 2016.

  82. Y. Cheng, D. Shi*, T. Chen and Zhan Shu. "Optimal data scaling for principal component pursuit: A Lyapunov approach to convergence,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(8), 2057-2071, 2015. (Regular Paper).

  83. D. Shi*, T. Chen and L. Shi. "On set-valued Kalman filtering and its application to event-based state estimation,'' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(5), 1275-1290, 2015. (Regular Paper)

  84. N. He, D. Shi*. "Event-based robust sampled-data model predictive control: A non-monotonic Lyapunov function approach,'' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 62(10), pp. 2555-2564, 2015.

  85. N. He, D. Shi*, J. Wang, M. Forbes, J. Backstrom and T. Chen. "Automated two-degree-of-freedom MPC tuning,'' Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(43), pp 10811-10824, 2015.

  86. D. Shi*, J. Wang, M. Forbes, J. Backstrom and T. Chen. "Robust tuning of machine directional predictive control of paper machines,'' Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 3904-3918, 2015.

  87. D. Shi*, T. Chen and L. Shi. "An event-triggered approach to state estimation with multiple point- and set-valued measurements,'' Automatica, 50(6), pp. 1641-1648, 2014.

  88. D. Shi*, T. Chen and L. Shi. "Event-triggered maximum likelihood state estimation,'' Automatica, 50(1), pp. 247-254, 2014.

  89. D. Shi*, T. Chen. "On finite-horizon $\ell_2$-induced norms of discrete-time switched linear systems,'' Automatica, 49(8), pp. 2517-2524, 2013.

  90. D. Shi*, T. Chen. "Approximate optimal periodic scheduling of multiple sensors with constraints,'' Automatica, 49(4), pp. 993-1000, 2013.

  91. D. Shi*, T. Chen. "Optimal periodic scheduling of sensor networks: a branch and bound approach,'' Systems & Control Letters, 62(9), pp. 732-738, 2013.


  1. 杨肖,史大威,何璐西,牟治宇,王军政,蔡德恒. 一种基于移动终端的人工胰腺硬件在环仿真测试方法, 中国发明专利,公布号:,申请号:201910345179.7,公布日:2020.07.30,申请日:2019.04.26。

  2. 史大威,纪立农,蔡德恒,王军政,蔡晓凌,刘蔚. 一种基于血糖变化趋势的人工胰腺自适应自抗扰控制器, 中国发明专利,公布号:CN 109999270 A,申请号:201910222692.7,公布日:2019.07.12,申请日:2019.03.22.

  3. N. He, D. Shi, M. Forbes, J. Backstrom and T. Chen. "Method and apparatus for robust tuning of model-based process controllers used with uncertain multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) processes," U.S. Patent 2016/0357162, Application No. 14/729,930, Publication Date: 12/08/2016, Filing Date: 06/03/2015.

  4. D. Shi, J. Wang, M. Forbes, J. Backstrom and T. Chen. "Method and apparatus for specifying and visualizing robust tuning of model-based controllers," U.S. Patent 2015/0268645, Application No. 14/314,221, Publication Date: 09/24/2015, Filing Date: 06/25/2014.